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When 2 Places Are the Best Retirement


Dec. 21.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter.   We hope that all of our Members have a wonderful holiday season, filled with peace and joy.
Bandon is a great example of Oregon's wild and beautiful coast. This cute little resort town has fabulous beaches. It has also one of the most amazing collection of golf courses in the world  - 6 great courses including legendary Bandon Dunes.
It looks like the new Congress might actually do something to fix Social Security, which will, if nothing is done, only to be able to pay 75% of promised benefits beginning in 2034. Here is one Congressman's plan.
We never heard of this small town until 2 weeks ago. The downtown features a seaplane airport and marina. It shares Lake Dora with the very charming town of Mount Dora.
For many people like snowbirds, the best place to retire really means two places. This article discusses the rationale and the pros and cons of retiring to more than one location. A companion piece explores the where to: "Our Ideal Snowbird Pairings".
There is always a fascinating array of different Comments to our various Blog articles, like "What To Do If You and Your Partner Don't Have the Same Retirement Dream".  But the problem is that unless you subscribe to our Daily Digest they are hard to see - sometimes the conversations continue for years. 
Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, please forward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign up page.


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